Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Damn. Typed this once, but firefox quite unexpectedly on me. Stupid firefox. Maybe I'll switch to Internet explorer! O my! I didn't just say that!

Anwho, now to retyping.

So here I sit surrounded by the chocolaty goodness that continues to corrupt the fabric of society. People would kill for chocolate sometimes.

So obviously I went trick or treating! Never too old! Very fun and a bunch of candy is in my possession.

A lot of fun came from watching Lisa run from door to door, since this was her first Trick or Treat experience. It was like watching an excited little kid. Very funny.

Then using the power of Automobiles, mike and I made some side trips in search of more candy. Made good and Emma's and Sam's! Sam's we got Caprisuns! And then Emily kept throwing bags of candy at us! So we got even more Candy! Then I got to try my hand...or I guess leg...at unicycling. Not as easy as it looks, le tme tell you. So anyway Then we left and went home.

And now I am tired. So I'm going to bed. You can't stop me. No...No...No you can't.

Goodnight and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!


Monday, October 30, 2006

Miserable Monday

Okay, maybe it wasn't all that miserable, but I am a fan of alliteration, so I do whatever sounds good. But none the less today was tiring. Instead of Tuesday, Play practice was switched to Monday, since Halloween is tomorrow!

But as I said, today is a busy day, soooo, I got to go read some Moby Dick and study for a Spanish Quiz on Por/Para/Mandatos!

So I'm heading to bed, maybe with some vanilla ice cream, and working from there.

Goodnight All!


Sunday, October 29, 2006


Well today's been a day of work. Went to church, did my acolyting there, then taught new ones! That was pretty cool, I always feel so professional when I do that.

Anywho, got home, and my Dad and I did some work down in the basement. It's coming along nicely. We ran to the store today and got some stuff. Got a new TV stand, and a receiver for the surround sound :-D . That's going to be fun, we tested it out and it sounded awesome, just putting it up isn't so easy. We have the center speaker hanging on the wall. 4 to go.

And we have finally stopped working now. So I quickly did Chem, but now I have to read Moby Dick. So I bid you all Farewell!



Daylights Savings

Good Day today! Woke up got ready for the meet, then found out there was no meet! So I went back to bed, then woke up for band, but then after getting all ready for that, found out that it too was canceled!

This time I didn't go to bed though. I stayed up, put some pictures on Flickr from the Florida trip this SUMMR! I'm so behind.

But then I got to go to Sam's! And carve pumpkins!

There's mine! I call him Miles, because he's full of Smiles!

Anywho, so I got to carve pumpkins which I haven't done in awhile. So that was awesome! Then I also learned some other craft stuff, like another pumpkin I made of melting beads or something. But I forgot it at Sam's so he's being held hostage...Poor fella.

Then I also learned some rope thingy, which I actually have the materials to do!

Then one of the best things, Sam and I worked on our costumes for the Halloween Party! We were Wheel of Fortune! I was Pat Sajak, and she was Vanna White. I got to have the board, and she had the spinner thing! It looked so cool! Plus I got her Dad's awesome bright green jacket! And she wore a cool sparkling dress!

*I vould lyk to bi a amburgur*

But now for the video! Because it's Saturday and I know you all need a video! Look at my Gumby Tie!

So after all that!



Friday, October 27, 2006

You Just Won....


Ok so that's what we did all night! We gave away like 20 million bucks! We're so charitable!

So let me start from the top.

So we get out of school, after not having math because she wasnt there!! That was a good way to end the day. So then a nice short CC practice. Then we all headed home.

Then at 5:30 we all met at Crokey's to get our costume and props organized! So I got there with the cardboard. Then we waited around for Mike. he arrived, the I gave them the cardboard and permanent markers, and then I headed out to go to the center to get balloons. Luckily they had them and they were $1.15 each, for anyone who was ever wanting to buy balloons there. Sot hat was fun. Then headed back to Mikes. When i got there, they were well underway.

Now I guess I should tell you what we were. So we decided to be the Publishers Clearing House Prize Patrol! So we had to make a check and a sign that said congratulations with balloons! Then I took pictures of all the winners.

So anyway back to the story. So I got back and they had the check made. Just needed the writing on it. So Will worked on that. Came out awesome. While he worked Mike and I changed. Then came back, Will finished and so mike and I colored while Crokey and Will changed. They came down and we were ready to go!

We had our suits on and flew out the door since we were running late! So we got to the dance and there began our charity!

So we went around to people and surprised them with 1 million dollars!

Sadly though, we did not win the competition. The babies beat us. Stupid popularity.

But I felt like a winner, since this idea was so much fun!

Now for the goods. The slideshow of all the people who we gave money to!

Ok now i'm off to bed! Got a CC meet in the morning!



Thursday, October 26, 2006

A Break from the Rest

Today wasn't too bad of a day. Woke up, tired like crazy, but still made it through Chem and English...not quite sure how, but I did!

Then the field trip to the big auditorium of multiculturalism! The whole thing was kind of a bust because there were only like 5 countries represented there, mainly China. Maybe they were slowly trying to imbue communism on us. Well by golly it didnt work on me!

Anywho, this trip no matter how disappointing it was...i still left with some awesome gifts! Like this Chullo hat that I purchased at the Bolivian Stand! It's such a fun hat! Then I got the matching gloves, which are perfect because they keep my hands warm while the basement continues to grow ever colder as the days go on.

Then finally the day ended, just did some sprinting in CC, which I enjoyed because I can do sprinting pretty well.

Then after I went home at sat for a short bit, then we had to plan our costume for tomorrow's party, and then Mike and I headed to iParty, which in the end, we really didn't need anything from there, but it was a nice little drive none the less, involving headlights and highways.

Then I rushed to the play costume fitting, which was very confusing, but in the end they let me out 5 minutes before 8, so I rushed home to watch Smallville! Good episode tonight. Then I failed to shut the TV off right away, so sadly I got sucked into the show after Smallville, Supernatural. Pretty good show actually, so I ended up working during that.

Then I cracked down to the work, and now here I am. I still have some math to study. So I should go.

So I will.



The End

I am really tired right now. Haven't had the proper amount of sleep for awhile, and have been extremely busy. The concert was tonight. It was fun. I hit the bass really hard, and I find that fun.

Even though i am tired and really dead, I am happy to say that this is the end, for the rest of the week is looking up, and should be fine. So tomorrow is my relaxing day. Joy to the world.

Now i need sleep.

Sorry for being brief, but i am wiped.

PS. Mike asked Emma out -- just to give it more publicity.



Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The World on a Comfy Blanket

So I often don't talk about recent news and what not (mainly because of my lack of paying attention or watching the news) but today I read something that made me mad. I was flipping through the Time magazine, looking at the pictures and seeing if they sparked a good topic, when i see the headline: "Danger! Kids Playing Tag" So I humored it and read the 202 worded article.

Now I can't do much better than to just let you read it for yourself:
Game over for students in Attleboro, Mass., who yelled "You're it!" one final time at Willett Elementary School last week. The school has forbidden tag--as well as touch football and all other "chase" games--during recess, a move that made national headlines. As in schools from South Carolina to Wyoming that have implemented similar bans recently, Attleboro administrators cite fears that children could get hurt and their parents might sue. According to some parents, another factor was concern that such games could hurt self-esteem if, say, one kid were always "it."

The Attleboro ban drew instant criticism--and not just from playground libertarians and young players. "It's not the right route to take," says Charlene Burgenson, executive director of the National Association for Sport and Physical Education, who believes tag is "exactly the type of activity that is appropriate at recess." It won't harm kids "physically or psychologically," she says, and argues that the exercise could even help, given the rising rates of obesity among young people.

Tag players shouldn't lose all hope, since grownups often change their minds. In the Spokane, Wash., school district, which banned tag at recess last school year, the game is still being played--as part of the P.E. curriculum. - By ELISABETH SALEMME

I included the whole thing in case you wanted to read it. But the bold parts I find most important. I just cannot believe that school are banning tag. I mean i could possibly understand Fluff because maybe its not healthy, but TAG?! Our nation is becoming so wrapped up in lawsuits and overly protective parents that the up coming ages are being handed the world in a Comfy Blanket.

A basic game of tag allows for you to run and be socially active. So maybe the kid falls and scrapes his knee. Kid will be kids, and they need to experience some pain. You can't sue a school for your child's own mistake. By everyone suing, the kids now a days no longer get to experience what it's like to be kids, and are now being restrained from doing physical activities that may hurt them.

I believe if that how we are thinking, start selling bubbles, because any physical activity comes risks and dangers, but with the amount of obesity settling in the US, I think the more physical exercise these kids get, the better!

But soon you will be able to stub your toe in your house, and you can sue your carpenter for putting the step there.

It's just ridiculous.

Now I am tired. Long day. Got to do a little more studying, then bed!

Night All!!


Monday, October 23, 2006

Mole Day vs. Forster Day!

By Jove! What a Day! I awoke this morning to the excitement of knowing what the day held in store! So i got ready and got to school at 7:50. Now this is where the fun began. Today was our classes day to avenge the atrocious paper bombing Mr. Forster's class did to our class. So we had the whole event planned. I had made masks yesterday. Yes Forster Masks, as seen above. So I arrived with the masks. Sam and Liam rushed me to his room. There the class was decorating his room, without his knowing. So i entered and saw purple streamers all hung around the room. And actually a bunch of purple. See Forster wore a purple shirt one day, so we decided to call him out on it. So all around the room were signs with his name in purple. Then on the door it said "Got Purple?" But a bunch of people were wearing purple, including myself. (Thanks to A.C. Moore and their three dollar T's!) So the streamers were all set, I handed out the masks to everyone. So then finally Forster came in and we got him! He was quite shocked. I think he was a bit disturbed by the masks, yet so were many people. Then we also offered him candy in order to be better people than he was to us!

So that was a fun way to begin the day. Then toward the end of the day was Chemistry! And if you did not know, today was National Mole Day! So we got to present our projects! Melvin was quite happy seeing the many other mole buddies. He met Molly and liked her, yet he ate her....that might be how moles work, or I have to work on his social skills. Anyhoover, we got to eat a bunch of cake because people make cake moles, or cupcakes or cookies. Then a crossword puzzle, which I never finished. But it was a joyous occasion.

So now I'm left to decide which is better...Mole Day or Forster Day. For the sake of arguement I'm going to put both on my Calendar for next year, but what would you choose? Answer in the Forum! :-D

But now I am tired, wrote half an essay tonight, and now I stayed up later in order to write this. So I hope you enjoyed.

Night All!


Sunday, October 22, 2006

One Mole of a Project

Busy day, it has been.

Since I was woken up this morning, (first asked by my dad, then he called my cell phone) I have been doing some project. We worked on the basement some more. Hallways about done. Then we went to home depot to get stuff, which I had to manage on taking 24 paint stirrers for a confidential event (to be revealed tomorrow). I ended up swiping 28 but who's counting?

Then I got home, but then went back out to get the supplies for my Mole Day Project! I got to investigate the mystery that is A.C. Moore. It's a fascinating place which could give you so many ideas that you mind could explode. But I got my stuff and headed home, of course driving in style to Sexy Back. Got home and proceeded to make my mole. And here he is! It's Melvin the mole!
He's so happy! Let's see and now I am about done. Just to start an English essay! And bed hopefully soon.

And to bear off topic for a second: To my amazement the video for yesterday's post was received pretty well by Youtube users! People seemed to overall like it, except for one (damn you tk0145!).

Anywho, I'm going to head to bed! So good night!


Let's Pretend We Don't Exist

Weird Title for a post...

You might think, hmm Jake's schizophrenic because he is referring to himself as "We"

But don't worry! I have a reasonable explanation! It's actually a line from a new song I discovered today. From a Band called Of Montreal. They have a fun song shortly titled, "Wraith Pinned to the Mist and Other Games." It sounds so jolly and happy! I can't stop playing it!

Let's see I'm tired...so sorry no video this week. I'm just going to go to bed soon.

But first I must confess...I broke a bleacher today. I didn't mean too! I was just jumping on it! And then Snap! It was so intense. Yet I felt pretty bad. Still they do need new bleachers.

But now I feel even worse not giving you a video. So I will make one now. Nothing creative. I will read this blog to you!

Now the question you ask is, What came first, the movie or the post?

Sorry. Thats a Secret.



Friday, October 20, 2006


Ok got to make it quick tonight, got PSATs in the morning. Which means early to bed, early to rise. So I'll be off soon. Not much today. HAa a meet against Masco. Got extremely wet running in the rain. Insane stuff. Then the rest was all a bore and a snooze pretty much.

But I must be off, so I'll talk to you all later!



Thursday, October 19, 2006

Bubbly Approved Sites

Well while I was sitting here pondering the Dorky Revolution, I came upon a new idea. A list of Bubbly Approved Sites! If you look now it is on the right hand side bar at the top! It even says..."Bubbly Approved Sites!"

But you will also notice that there is also a link there thats says "Forum"

What is this you ask! Why everyone, its my very own Blog forum! where I can post questions, weird thoughts or follow ups on Blog entries!

For Example my first topic up there is the Dorky Revolution! Let's see if you have any ideas!

And sometimes I may just post some fun sites up there for your entertainment (FYE)



I'm Bringing Dorky Back!

You know Justin Timberlake (born Jan. 31, 1981) can brag about bringing sexy back and all that high class stuff. Now bringing sexy back isn't hard, it just takes money, plastic, and money. So obviously for the JT such a feat of bring sexy back isn't too hard. Plus sexy is naturally appealing so it's no surprise that people want it.

But I on the other hand am bringing dorky back. Yes a recent comment on my Bubbly Post 2 says as follows:
Oh my god. I had the WORST day ever. and this video cheered me up... you're such a dork. In an awesome way. =]
I mean I had never heard the word dork and awesome combined in the almost same sentence before! So i mean I'm a dork but in an awesome way! Now people don't usually liek the image of dorky. so that means I'm bringing dorky back because I'm revolutionizing the image of dorkiness (thats not even a word, but since I'm doing the revolutionizing here, I deem it a word)!

So fellow dorks out there, let's make it a Dorky Revolution!

We'll bring some Dorky Back! And then parade it around the sexy people! And we need a song writer and singer to help us all spread the word of the Dorky Revolution.

Stay Dorky!


Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Jake Bellucci, Vocals

Jake Bellucci, Vocals
That's right, me vocals! It was so insane! I mean the way its written makes it look like I sang something! But all I really did was say one word a repeated amount of times! Tequila!

Must say that was fun, but just having my name with vocals next to it makes me happy.

Let's see, the meet today was good, we won, got 19:34 as a time. Pretty happy with that..I think, i forget what me best is.

O and today i got to take my license for a spin! I decided after coffee house I wanted dessert, so I went to Friendly's! Luckily it was open, because it was 10 when i got there. So i got some Fribbily goodness. Then mike wanted some Cookie's and cream, so I brought him some!

Very exciting Day. But I'm tired so...



Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Today was a beneficent day for me. I think it best that i expatiate on the details of my day, for what has happened to me is truly laudable.

So i woke up this morning and kept a very ascetic mood, not wanting to give away my anxiety. So i sipped some water. So I went to chem, where we dealt with empirical formulas and joys the that extent. But that was only a half an hour before I had to leave for the driving test.

So I traveled to the office and met with the office people, old denizens of the high school. I got dismissed and I waited outside. The weather was an amalgam of conditions, being that of cold, and that of dampness. There I waited for 10 minutes until finally my savant of driving came along. So i hopped in and waited in anticipation.

This long drive got me thinking of everything around me. Like the bourgeois design of the driving car. The Taurus is just kind of boring and clunky. Especially the gear shifter, that thing scares me. But I also thought about what I probably didn't know for the test, leaving me in a benighted state of mind.

Soon we picked up a kid from Winchester who shared the same fate as mine. So we completed our ride to Cambridge, observing the local flora along the way.

Now we neared the sight and I started to think to myself, what if our instructor is only a charlatan, and we have all been lead astray! This set of mind was not good for me, but the instructor told us to picture the trooper in his pajamas, a classical nostrum of getting rid of fear.

We pulled up to the parking lot where the cop, a doyen of the Cambridge society, waited. He was testing other people at the time, surprisingly not many where kids, but some where older people. He would mandate people to put their windshield wipers on(one didn't know English and failed because he didn't know what the cop was asking), or back up, or anything else that fit his fancy. The ostensible mood of the trooper slightly disturbed me. So I sat there in suspense, and then decided I best not show any recalcitrance and do as I am told.

Finally after a long wait it was my turn. I saw him coming an my credo was, "If I don't make it now, I'll have to continue dealing with this driving school." That inspiration is enough to make you do anything. Anyway, I eschewed my negative thoughts and attempted to think positively.
The trooper came to me, and made me regurgitate the universal hand signals. Pass.

Then he made me turn on the windshield wipers, which was a risible question to him, for the guy before didn't even know what he meant.

Then he stepped in the car and sat himself down. He imbibed my every movement, watching every move I made. First I had to pull out, using a turn signal, antediluvian stuff. Pass.

Now I was on the road, and I noticed it was hard for my to obviate all of my anxieties for the trooper looked so frightening in uniform. We then drove to a part of Cambridge that an indigence compared to the part we had previously been in. There I had to back up in a straight line. sounds easy. but I backed up and kind of went away from the curb, which was not good. The trooper noticed it and pointed it out to me, but somehow he didn't seem to mind. Pass.

Then I had to drive to a spot where I was to parallel park. I pulled up next to the car I was to pull in behind, and used the putative method for parallel parking. My only flaw being to forget the turn signal when going for the spot. Luckily I noticed it, and the trooper accepted that as compensation for not actually doing it. Pass.

So then I was pretty much done, just had to drive back which I did fine. Still with all those errors I still didn't know the final outcome of the test. Once I parked and got out, our instructor gave some words of approbation which made me happy to hear. turns out I passed!

So then i waited for the Winchester kid to do his driving test. There I sat with relaxation. I was glad that the trooper was not an iconoclast who attacks the strategy of driving.

After that I needed to find an apothecary to calm me down from the post anxiety feeling I was having.

So finally, I have my license, now one of these days maybe I'll be able to use it!

If you noticed me sing strange words that I would not normally use, then you'd be right. I fit all my vocab words into this post, some of them being a blatant stretch.

But now for my bed!

Night All!


Monday, October 16, 2006

Power Outage!

It's so amazing when the power goes out. I was all innocent by the computer when BAM! The power went out. Now when your in a basement with no flashlights, it's quite disorienting. You don't notice how much you dependent on electronics, until everything that gives you light in the night goes out.

But it was a weird power out, where the power went off, then on, then off, then on, then off, then on, then finally off. Pretty rapidly. about how fast you just read that (for you fast reader, maybe a 5th of how you read it.)

Obviously now, it is over and here I am. I waited to do a post. But I will have a pleasant treat for you all. I did a video recording while the power was out. So when I get the time, I will edit that and put that on the blog. That video will truely capture what went on, Behind the Darkness.

So I'm going to bed!

Night All!


Sunday, October 15, 2006

Walk for Breast Cancer

Today I got myself up quite early and found myself at the walk for Breast Cancer. I tell you it was a nice walk. We did a 6 mile walk, which took us for a pleasant tour 'round the Charles River (Yes I love that Dirty Water), on such a brisk day! Our group raised like 2 thousand something dollars I believe, or maybe it was more. But overall the walk raised a lot I believe. It makes me glad that I could help out. But the walk was jolly, got to give my legs a good walking, and then not get food. I swear they kept telling us food was ahead, but I never saw it! No matte rthough because we then got Fire and Ice after! That place is quite interesting, good noodles and meat.

Then I got to experience Cirque Du Soleil after! That was intense! It was such a cool show. I mean I could probably do what they did, easily, but for a night it was entertaining. I want to do those tricks! I'll have to find myself some big metal hoops and what not. I'll practice on my own. I think I'll be able to get it first try. Then I'll progress to swinging off Chandeliers. I'm sure my mom won't mind. :-D

Other than that, finished my Moby Dick Quota for the week. Actually got done earlier than expected, which is why I am typing now. Got some free time to relax a bit and wind down. But I think I shall go. I'm tired and I need sleep, because who knows what this week will bring! Its looking alright, but who knows.

So night all!


Saturday, October 14, 2006

Hot Chocolate

Today I have rediscovered my love for hot chocolate. You may think thats weird, but it's true. It's getting cold outside now, and the nights are quite nippy, and the best thing to cure the chills is hot chocolate. Maybe throw some whipped cream or something on there. Amazing.

Right now I am cold, but since I will be going to bed soon, there is no point in making the hot chocolate. The problem with hot chocolate is in fact the degree of heat it has. Too hot, and you burn yourself, too cold, thats just weird. So the perfect temperature is right in between, which I really must try to measure sometime to figure out the ultimate drinking temperature. I'll have to get back on that one.

Right now, think I'll be heading up to bed early tonight since I have to get up and do the walk for breast cancer tomorrow Morn'. Then got some Cirque du Soleil later tomorrow night! Then of Course Moby Dick.

You know I was excited to read the book, as I usually am when I am told we have to read a classic, but I don't like the pressure of having to read it so fast. But nonetheless I have to read 50 pages of it tomorrow, when it took me an hour to read 20 pages. (Grr being a slow reader!)

But thats a mountain I shall tackle tomorrow...For now, my bed!

Night All,


Friday the Thirteenth

Well folks its that unlucky day where we all go out to our local hardware stores to buy ladders and mirrors while stepping on every crack in the road. Or possibly stop by the pet store just to walk past a black cat. Whatever your quirky practices are on this superstitious day, we can all agree that it's an unlucky day. Full of pain, blood, and jealous popes?

Yes jealous popes! While discussing Friday the thirteenth, the question you have to ask is, why the thirteenth, and why on a Friday. If you don't ask these questions, Call this number: 1-800-828-7484.

So let's take a look into the thought origins of Friday the Thirteenth. It seems as if
Historians propose the origin of the "Black Friday" was the simultaneous arrest of thousands of Knights Templars on Friday, October 13, 1307, to be later tortured into admitting heresy. King Phillip the Fair of France and the Pope were jealous of the fame, power, and famous wealth the Templars possessed. They ordered sealed letters sent all over the known world to be opened at the same time. The letters were opened, and in accord with their instructions, the Templars were seized. Jacques De Molay, the Grand Master of the Knights Templar, was brought before the inquisition and forced to confess to charges including heresy toward the church and practicing homosexuality. When pressured to disclose the names of fellow templars and the undiscovered wealth of the Order of the Knights Templar, De Molay refused and was burned at the stake on an island near the Cathedral of Notre Dame in France.
That little excerpt makes my whole pope reference make sense, and also explains some superstitions. Maybe if it weren't for King Phillip and the Pope we'd be all set. But if you look at that date, kind of interesting that Friday the thirteenth could have started on this exact date in the year 1307. So before I move on, let us take a moment to remember those poor Templars who made this blog entry possible. I'm sure that was their hope before they were burning.

Thirteen also has its roots in the Bible. The Last Supper had 13 attendees (Jesus and 12 apostles). It turns out that Judas, who eventually betrayed Jesus and got him killed, was the last to arrive at the supper, making him the 13th to arrive. Turns out that Jesus was crucified on a Friday, so therefore Christians have long had a grudge against Fridays. In the olden days people would never start a new journey on a Friday for it was though that it would be doomed from the beginning. Also some think that Adam and Eve took the fruit on a Friday or that the great Flood began on a Friday.

But we can't only look at the history and superstitions, we need some more data to support such claims that this is an unlucky day. So we shall look at some study:
A study in 1993 found people driving less often on Friday the 13th but found that incidents of car accidents nevertheless went up significantly. This has been attributed to such people feeling a heightened state of anxiety on that day.
So there if proof to support that this day is unlucky, but it can also be explained. We have grown this superstition up to such a height that we end up creating our own anxieties and causing unnecessary incidents. There is a phobia out there, called
paraskavedekatriaphobia (I won't even try pronouncing that). This is actually the clinical name for a fear of friday the thirteenth. The phobia stems off of the phobia of the number 13, Triskaidekaphobia.

In the end it comes down to superstition. In reality this day has no further meaning than Thursday the Thirteenth, but they way it is built up, the anxieties of people cause them to be a bit more reckless and more accident prone. The origin of this belief comes from a combination of factors, kind of like a math problem. Christians think Friday is bad, so you have an unlucky friday, then along with thirteens negative connotation, you get a very bad day.
Unlucky Friday + Unlucky 13 = Unluckier Friday.

So let's consider this when Friday the Thirteenth comes around again and not get ourselves hurt!

Stay Safe! And watch out for those Cats!




Thursday, October 12, 2006

New Glasses!

Well this counts as another night that I am exhausted and don't have time to write, but I had to tell u the exciting news! I got some new glasses! So obviously I needed a picture with this! Whatcha Tink? I dropped that "h" on purpose *shifts eyes*.

But other than that got two tests and a quiz tomorrow, so I need a good nights rest before I take these babies!

Night All!


Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Ok I'm keeping this short. I'm dead tired, and need sleep, and the opportunity presents itself to me tonight, so I think I'll be going now. The meet went well today we got a win. But seriously im tired so I'm going.

Night All



Tiring Tuesday

Well it's tiring tuesday, and it has been! It's 1:16 now and im finally done with work and am going to bed! It's been busy with play and all, and then the fact that we had to consume so much pizza! But im tired, and I don't want to write, so thats all for now.




Monday, October 09, 2006


Today was quite fun! Got to go on the Boston Common with Mike Zach and Alex, where we played some drums. Well buckets and hardware of that sort! It was quite fun and we got put in a documentary as well and asked to do a gig on the 30th! Quite an intense day, not to mention the intense navigating through Boston! Mike and I eventually found Downtown Crossing, our instincts led us there. Other than that, that's about all. schools back tomorrow, so I have to go to bed now. Time for Busy Tuesday tomorrow!! Fun Fun...fun.

O on Youtube my riverdance made someone proud to be Irish! That makes my day!

Ok that all, Night!



Sorry all! Last night i meant to write a post, but i fell asleep in my computer chair watching Skeleton Key! When I woke up I was in no shape to write a post, and especially not a video post! So I left you all waiting....

Well fear not! I had to do something to atone for my sins! So I made a video post, even when I am tired and want to go to bed! How nice am I!? So here you go! Right now, im waiting for it to make itself into a video file....I'm bored and it says 12 minutes! I want to go to bed! Bt now its 1:43! An hour after making it, and its going to make me wait until its actually a video file, then uploading it to Youtube is another thing! This is what I get for sleeping. Shame on me! 10 minutes.. I'll put on some Beck while I wait :-D Dododo dododo! Hmm.. apparently my Macarena video has a comment! O someone says:
I LiKe your hat.!!
Baila tu cuerpo alegria MAcarena!
If my spanish training serves me correctly they say my body dances the macarena happily. Very Cool. Mi cuerpo se encanta Macarena! I guess I'll look at the river dance comment too! Looks like I've hit the stage of comments where everyone uses quotes. they must feel special doing that or something, like saying its better than what they call "real." I guess it really drives a point in or something, because real wouldnt mean real without the quotes!

And now to check my Spectacle of Spain video *shudders* OO! I got some good nicknames today! "ignorant hairy Italian," "italian mate bellyachecci" (I don't know how he gets that out of Bellucci), " perhaps we are bein too tough with the latino jake bellyachecci?" Ok so first this guys calling me Italian and now he calls me Latino? I don't understand him. He's made like 5 comments, all talking about me being Italian, or some insult towards Italians. Kind of funny actually!

Ok video's uploading to YouTube! Who knows how long this process will take! This has ended up being a long post because of this waiting time, so not only do you get a video, but you also get a long post! *twiddles thumbs* Yup still here...YAYYY!!! Now it's Done!! So what We've all been waiting for..or at least me!

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Bubbly Video Post 1

Well I'm going to bed now, but it's seems as if my video has uploaded to youtube, but it's still processing. Here's the video, not sure it will work yet, but by the time anyone views this, it should work. Hope you enjoy!


Hey Folks!

It's finally Friday and let me be one of the firsts to say, thank god it's friday, because I need a break! Got some good news, I recorded a video blog type thing, but by the time i ge tit up and all it will probably be up tomorrow, well I guess today.

It's confusing when it's night like this, I still consider it to be yesterday. So yeah, I made it, but uploading it could take awhile.

Plus I need to take a picture of me and my hair because I'm getting it cut today. So The picture to your left, is my hair now...

...Later will show my hair after the cut!

Night All!



Thursday, October 05, 2006

Cookie Making!

Well finally the essay and projects are over! So today I actually got to relax, kind of. Got home and just sat at the computer, and just sat there. It was quite relaxing, I mean to sit at a computer and have no aim is amazing!

But the best part was that I got to make cookies! Yes thats me licking the spoon used in the cookie dough. (don't worry I licked it before making the cookies, so a little Jake spit was on every cookie :-D) Cookie dough just has a way of bringing you back to childhood, and made me forget about the Chem quiz and English Test Tomorrow! But man it tasted so good!!! Actually made me feel a bit sick, but I'd take it any day!

But I best be off to study and bed, because I'm exhausted! So night all!




That's all I have to say: Goodnight. It's 1:06 and I just finished the essay, so I'm going to bed and I'm going to enjoy it, and when tomorrow morning comes around, I will curse the sun and its brightness!



Wednesday, October 04, 2006


I've hit my peak, i'm going to crack. I can't do this essay, and I have no time to write it. I give up. I'm done.

Monday, October 02, 2006


Well todays the day that this three day vacation ends. It was a great break away from all the work we've had in school, but now it's over :-( Even though we only have four days of school this week, it is packed with work and restless nights. I just want school without the homework, i mean i understand where they are coming from, but honestly, we need some free time.

But complaining is not what I am here to do. Well actually i guess I could, but it is not needed. This week will be tough no doubt, for tomorrow i won't get home till 9 or so, and then the next day we got a CC meet then an English essay due the next day. I'm tired already and the week hasn't even started.

What I wanted to talk about though, is my new way of coping with all this work! I found this song online by some guy named Ray. It's truely great. You can many versions here. Depending on your mood you can choose any of them. The original is nice and simplistic and has a nice tune which is very fun to hum! But also I recomend the goose remix! It sounds so cool! It's just a catchy song that can help you through the day.

well its 11:11 so I should make a wish then since I got school tomorrow I best be off. Night all, hope you enjoy the tune!

-An ever so tired Jake


Interior Design

I'm getting a nice hands on learning experience int he art of interior design. Today my parents suggested a new way to set up the basement. Now to someone like me who get's attached to the way things are, this is a big step! I did some thinking and then i couldnt decide how I wanted it to look.

So after some thinking, i remembered Google Sketch-up! Thats what i needed. So i proceeded to make a model of my basement! and well thats it at the top of this post! I'm working with that. See couches are in a different place as well as the TV. But i got to figure it out, and I'm not too sure how it will be in realty. I think my parents want the TV near the stairs. Something seemed odd to me about that, but it wil probably be the best way in the end. Must parents always be right?

Well obviously I'll have to get back to you about how it all turns out, plus there will be pictures once its all finalized, bu until then, I'm keeping it all mysterious, and you'll only be allowed to see the diagram! HAHAHAA!

Other than that, i think thats all, I had hoped to do a video post tonight, but that didn't pan out. Instead i got a stupid dish. *sigh* you cant do stuff with a dish. Actually, i could dish out some really nice rhymes! But in the essence of time, i won't for it is late, and I am tired and well I need sleep since I got CC tomorrow morning.

Maybe a video for you all next week :-D
Now a quote since i just discovered the button! What we think, or what we know, or what we believe is, in the end, of little consequence. The only consequence is what we do.
-John Ruskin
Hmm, it's very true! Let us all remember that next time we decide to put our dogs in the freezer as a joke!

That about wraps up what i wanted to say, so night all!

