Today was a beneficent day for me. I think it best that i expatiate on the details of my day, for what has happened to me is truly laudable.
So i woke up this morning and kept a very ascetic mood, not wanting to give away my anxiety. So i sipped some water. So I went to chem, where we dealt with empirical formulas and joys the that extent. But that was only a half an hour before I had to leave for the driving test.
So I traveled to the office and met with the office people, old denizens of the high school. I got dismissed and I waited outside. The weather was an amalgam of conditions, being that of cold, and that of dampness. There I waited for 10 minutes until finally my savant of driving came along. So i hopped in and waited in anticipation.
This long drive got me thinking of everything around me. Like the bourgeois design of the driving car. The Taurus is just kind of boring and clunky. Especially the gear shifter, that thing scares me. But I also thought about what I probably didn't know for the test, leaving me in a benighted state of mind.
Soon we picked up a kid from Winchester who shared the same fate as mine. So we completed our ride to Cambridge, observing the local flora along the way.
Now we neared the sight and I started to think to myself, what if our instructor is only a charlatan, and we have all been lead astray! This set of mind was not good for me, but the instructor told us to picture the trooper in his pajamas, a classical nostrum of getting rid of fear.
We pulled up to the parking lot where the cop, a doyen of the Cambridge society, waited. He was testing other people at the time, surprisingly not many where kids, but some where older people. He would mandate people to put their windshield wipers on(one didn't know English and failed because he didn't know what the cop was asking), or back up, or anything else that fit his fancy. The ostensible mood of the trooper slightly disturbed me. So I sat there in suspense, and then decided I best not show any recalcitrance and do as I am told.
Finally after a long wait it was my turn. I saw him coming an my credo was, "If I don't make it now, I'll have to continue dealing with this driving school." That inspiration is enough to make you do anything. Anyway, I eschewed my negative thoughts and attempted to think positively.
The trooper came to me, and made me regurgitate the universal hand signals. Pass.
Then he made me turn on the windshield wipers, which was a risible question to him, for the guy before didn't even know what he meant.
Then he stepped in the car and sat himself down. He imbibed my every movement, watching every move I made. First I had to pull out, using a turn signal, antediluvian stuff. Pass.
Now I was on the road, and I noticed it was hard for my to obviate all of my anxieties for the trooper looked so frightening in uniform. We then drove to a part of Cambridge that an indigence compared to the part we had previously been in. There I had to back up in a straight line. sounds easy. but I backed up and kind of went away from the curb, which was not good. The trooper noticed it and pointed it out to me, but somehow he didn't seem to mind. Pass.
Then I had to drive to a spot where I was to parallel park. I pulled up next to the car I was to pull in behind, and used the putative method for parallel parking. My only flaw being to forget the turn signal when going for the spot. Luckily I noticed it, and the trooper accepted that as compensation for not actually doing it. Pass.
So then I was pretty much done, just had to drive back which I did fine. Still with all those errors I still didn't know the final outcome of the test. Once I parked and got out, our instructor gave some words of approbation which made me happy to hear. turns out I passed!
So then i waited for the Winchester kid to do his driving test. There I sat with relaxation. I was glad that the trooper was not an iconoclast who attacks the strategy of driving.
After that I needed to find an apothecary to calm me down from the post anxiety feeling I was having.
So finally, I have my license, now one of these days maybe I'll be able to use it!
If you noticed me sing strange words that I would not normally use, then you'd be right. I fit all my vocab words into this post, some of them being a blatant stretch.
But now for my bed!
Night All!
