Thursday, October 26, 2006

A Break from the Rest

Today wasn't too bad of a day. Woke up, tired like crazy, but still made it through Chem and English...not quite sure how, but I did!

Then the field trip to the big auditorium of multiculturalism! The whole thing was kind of a bust because there were only like 5 countries represented there, mainly China. Maybe they were slowly trying to imbue communism on us. Well by golly it didnt work on me!

Anywho, this trip no matter how disappointing it was...i still left with some awesome gifts! Like this Chullo hat that I purchased at the Bolivian Stand! It's such a fun hat! Then I got the matching gloves, which are perfect because they keep my hands warm while the basement continues to grow ever colder as the days go on.

Then finally the day ended, just did some sprinting in CC, which I enjoyed because I can do sprinting pretty well.

Then after I went home at sat for a short bit, then we had to plan our costume for tomorrow's party, and then Mike and I headed to iParty, which in the end, we really didn't need anything from there, but it was a nice little drive none the less, involving headlights and highways.

Then I rushed to the play costume fitting, which was very confusing, but in the end they let me out 5 minutes before 8, so I rushed home to watch Smallville! Good episode tonight. Then I failed to shut the TV off right away, so sadly I got sucked into the show after Smallville, Supernatural. Pretty good show actually, so I ended up working during that.

Then I cracked down to the work, and now here I am. I still have some math to study. So I should go.

So I will.




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