Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Your Security Guard

For one night I, along with friend Will, got to be security guards for the local American Idol competition!

And I tell you we arrived to a massive crowd. The auditorium was completely full, extra seats were being set up and a bunch of disgruntled parents stood in line, outraged that tickets had sold out.

So obviously we had to maintain this riotous crowd without the aid of nightsticks. But using our fine looks and deep voices, we managed to clear the isles and hallways of any potential fire hazards.

We even got a teacher to watch a few rowdy teens. Intense stuff right there.

But it's late and I'm tired and I need sleep, so goodnight!


Sunday, January 28, 2007

Chips Ahoy!

Let's take a moment and step away from ourselves and look at the life of a Chips Ahoy! Chocolate Chip Cookie.

Creation of a Cookie: First it is created through a complicated and well kept recipe in order to create perfect looking, no flaw cookies. Once the large mass of cookies is created, the large mass of dough gets cooked for 10-12 min at 375 (numbers not accurate). So after that process they come out of the large oven and vuala! You have your cookie. But problem is this cookie is going into the world, therefore you need to preserve it in order for it to last. The preservatives are added and then the cookies are ready to begin their packaging process.

Early Stages of a Cookie: Once the cookie is born into this world, it must now travel and rapidly get to know the world for its life span is not too long...unless it be ignored by a careless owner. But first the cookie is packaged, wrapped up nice and tight in its plastic wrapper where they crammed into a small area. Then those wrapped cookies get placed in another wrapper that looks prettier and advertises the brand, all the while the cookies are hidden behind. Now I care more about the cookies than the brand, so you would think they would be showing instead of a digital image of a tender cookie, but for some reason the brand is more important than the product. Now that these babies are all wrapped up they are shipped around the world to please the many supermarkets, shops, kwicky marts, and country stores.

Middle Stages of a Cookie: The cookie then waits on the shelf of the previously mentioned places. Each cookie is blinded in the package as chance takes its toll on their destiny. Depending on the way chance affects them, the chips either leave their market and arrive at their final destination, or the chips don't sell and are immediately thrown away, forced to live the rest of their lives in the dump. But for most, the hungry "giants" (that being us humans) can not control their love for tasty treats, and find the urge to buy the little suckers.

The End of a Cookie: The end stage of a cookie, depends on the events during their middle stages of life. If the cookie is part of the minority that finds itself stuck in the bowels of the garbage (due to the wasteful nature of Americans), it would have to work endlessly in order to appeal to a passerby, and maybe by a slim twist of fate a hapless human will discover the downtrodden cookie, and reach out to eat the cookie. But assuming that the cookie has prospered and made it to a consumer, the cookie approaches its end. The cookie must then wait in the pantry for that one day when it shall be chosen. The package may be open or closed frequently, shining light on the trapped cookies, but nevertheless taking fellow cookies. Slowly, or quickly the chips leave the package and meet their end. Then finally, in the end all the cookies are gone. Not a single one. Content is the consumer, and all that remains of the cookies are their small crumbs often thrown away and forgotten. One thing is not though. The Brand.




No need to duck! Just dance!

The Snowball is always an awesome dance! We all get dressed nice and fancy, and get to spend a night of dancing and eating at the Danversport Yacht Club!

Tonight was no exception to the usual!

We took some pictures at Alyssa's then left from there tot he dance. Once there and settled down, we got to eat from the buffet! The roast beef was good!

Then the dancing began! I had a blast tonight! My only complaint would be the DJs but they were not hideous.

Oh yea... and Sam and I weren't so late this time: major improvement! Also we tried for the tango again but it did go so well, we need practice.

But everything went well tonight! So I have pictures that you may view! Right below actually!

So there they are

Ok I'm exhausted, my legs kill. So I'm going to bed! Night all!!!!


Thursday, January 25, 2007

Hate and Love

I was doing my biweekly check up of comments left on Riverdance, and I found a flavorful one that caught my tongue!

killamonkey wrote
i love the music, but i hate you.
I'm kind of glad he hates me! I mean I don't like him, and if he had said "I like you," beside being freaked out and slightly concerned, I'd also be stuck in a distasteful situation. The whole balance of Hate-Hate, Love-Love relationships would be askew!

See if those Hate-Hate and Love-Love relationships start to mingle with each other and start hooking up, soon you get Hate-Love relationships running around. And then what do you do?

You run in panic. It's purely miserable. One person loves while the other hates, yet since the other one loves, the one that hates feels the need to make it seem like he loves. Therefore it'd be just plain and outright acting, no emotions, and in the end, doomed.

So can't you see how horrible it would have been if this man had said, " i love the music, and i love you." Then we'd fall into that whole Love-Hate relationship, and soon I'd be compelled to comment on his nonexistent videos, and praise him for his nonexistent work, making it seem like I love him too.

Lucky for me, though, it's a pure Hate-Hate relationship and it works. There's hate on both sides. End of story. I don't talk to him, he don't talk to me.

And for giggles, we send this post to him :-)

This is Jake getting his jollies,


Monday, January 22, 2007

Nice Day Back

You know for how dramatic I got and all, today wasn't half bad! Got tests back, did pretty well in all of them. Also the most important part is that by the end of the day, no teacher (except Spanish) had assigned any homework! Even Spanish was just copying down vocab! I loved it! I came home, did the work then went to Staples and got some supplies to start this semester afresh!

Also blogworthy, today I found out I made the states time for the 600 M sooo I'm going to the states meet! I guess it's bittersweet. I can be proud to have accomplished it...but the fact is that means like three more weeks of practice, and on top of that, the last meet is the Friday before February vacation! I don't know who planned that, but I hate them. It happened last year as well. None the less I am quite happy!

Anyway, I'm going to head to bed, so goodnight!


Sunday, January 21, 2007

Goodbye Freedom

Dear Freedom,
Tonight I say goodbye to you, for this is my last night with you. It has been an amazing night because it was a night where I had no projects looming overhead. I mean sometimes I'll do nothing at night, but I know there is a project I should be doing. But tonight was different.

I had not a project. No Homework. Nothing. But now it comes to an end. And I will miss you. This next semester of school will bring some hard work, the research paper and what other insane project my teachers brew. Oh, and the AP tests in May. That should be a hoot. And SATs. This next semester will be an interesting one. But I continue on. Just got to get my hikin' boots on, because this is going to be quite the journey.

So good bye freedom, and hello hard work!




Intense day today! I tried out for our town's very own version of American Idol! That's right with my voice prepared I set out to sing Oops I Did It Again by Britney Spears! I mean I nailed it! (View a preview in the video part of this post, yes thats a spoiler, there is a video with this post). It was great I made the judges laugh, and they wanted to hear it twice! In the end they said I had a lot of courage and I was create, and that they liked my version over Britney's but since this was a contest for singing, I wasn't going to move on.

Which is ridiculous, I mean I could have gone so far, my voice is very fine tuned. I'll Show them. Also Left a challenge in the video post. I want those who think they can sing better than me to submit a video response on Youtube to my video and show me that they're better...then I'll be the judge.

So I keep talking about this video, I should probably show it then....

So 'ere it goes!


Friday, January 19, 2007


Well I'm seeing a play tonight, Guys on Ice, so I will most likely not want to make a video tonight. So, having a bunch of free time this afternoon, I decided I'd do that now! I called my clone in to help me out this time! Good times good times.

Oh other big news! I submitted an intro for The Show with Ze Frank, and he used the intro in todays show! View. Very Cool!

But on with the video!

Thanks and have a great day!


Thank God

Well an update. I had to find out my Chem score or else I wouldn't have been at peace all week. So I dropped by the school and found out. And thank god, I got a C+(after the scare of course)! I don't know how i pulled that one off, but I won't question it. So just had to relay my relief.

Maybe Have a video tonight,


It's been quite the day.

Last day of midterms, thats the good news.
The bad, I definitely failed Chem.

Seriously though this test was horrible. Whenever I say I failed a test, I don't usually mean I actually got an F, but this test, I definitely got an F. The problems at the end that we had to do were far beyond anything we had ever done. I studied all of my old tests for this exam, I could do every problem on them, but that didn't help. these problems were just nuts. We've never seen anything like them and here we are supposed to know how to do them on such an important test as the midyear.

That was just impossible. But it's behind me now. I'm trying to move on and get over it.

On brighter news, I made a new signature for my posts! I am also making some icons for the blog, which you can see in the upper right hand corner. But thats about all, I'll probably have a video for you tomorrow. I was going to do one tonight but, its 1:31 now and if I started making it now, I wouldn't be done until 3, and I would like to sleep.

So tomorrow.

Other than that, Night folks! And I'm done with Mid-terms!


Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Don't Worry! I'm still here! It's been a busy week, last week with tests, and this week with midyear tests! But I've taken the time to compile bloopers from previous posts (in order to clear off my hard drive which is filling up because of these pesky little things.) So I hope you enjoy because that's about all I had time for!



Sunday, January 07, 2007

One Step at a Time

So I'm coming to a point in the month where work is going to become insane. School is going to be so crazily filled with work that I wont know where to begin. But this isnt the first week of its type. I've survived every other week that has been like it, it just requires endurance.

So this week I got ahead of me, finishing a Spanish project, that's not really bad, but it takes a little time. Then I got to finish reading hard times. Then a history Test. Then a Chem Project and English essay. I think thats it, but thats quite enough. then of course next week is finals! So more fun! So if I don't write for a while that's why!

Stay Bubbly!


Bubbly Post 14- Resolutions

Good weekend folks! Decided to post tonight and give you a little video to enjoy! This time I talk about the new year's resolutions I couldn't keep! Also in this post is me trying out a tutorial I found for making my head explode.

I must warn you that I exploded myself using a gun, and it is a fake suicide. Suicide is a serious problem in teens and I do not mean to be offensive. I was only trying out the exploding head effect, to be used in movies later on possibly. I would in no way think of actually committing suicide. If you do not wish to view it, it is resolution 10, so you can skip over it.

Ok, now that I made sure that is clear, on with the video!



Monday, January 01, 2007

Vacation's Dead

Today was the last day of vacation. An ill spent one too. I woke up at 1 and continued to work on homework until now! Finally I am done and going to bed! This week should prove to be an interesting one. Full of work and projects and whatnot, so if i fail to write, don't kill me. Please.

Anyway, Night everyone! Happy New Year Once Again!
