Goodbye Freedom
Dear Freedom,
Tonight I say goodbye to you, for this is my last night with you. It has been an amazing night because it was a night where I had no projects looming overhead. I mean sometimes I'll do nothing at night, but I know there is a project I should be doing. But tonight was different.
I had not a project. No Homework. Nothing. But now it comes to an end. And I will miss you. This next semester of school will bring some hard work, the research paper and what other insane project my teachers brew. Oh, and the AP tests in May. That should be a hoot. And SATs. This next semester will be an interesting one. But I continue on. Just got to get my hikin' boots on, because this is going to be quite the journey.
So good bye freedom, and hello hard work!

Tonight I say goodbye to you, for this is my last night with you. It has been an amazing night because it was a night where I had no projects looming overhead. I mean sometimes I'll do nothing at night, but I know there is a project I should be doing. But tonight was different.
I had not a project. No Homework. Nothing. But now it comes to an end. And I will miss you. This next semester of school will bring some hard work, the research paper and what other insane project my teachers brew. Oh, and the AP tests in May. That should be a hoot. And SATs. This next semester will be an interesting one. But I continue on. Just got to get my hikin' boots on, because this is going to be quite the journey.
So good bye freedom, and hello hard work!

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